Movie Database Web App

  • Implemented large frontend using JavaScript, jQuery, and Ajax while administering the same functionality in an Android app using the same backend API
  • Developed an ETL pipeline to parse large XML files to augment the already large database
  • Comprised ~20 medium features, e.g., functional website that display movie catalog, cart checkout backed by sessions, bot detection using reCAPTCHA, full-text search, etc

Hand Gesture Controlled Web App

  • Leveraged Angular framework to create a dynamic and responsive user interface
  • Integrated handtracker.js library to enable accurate hand gesture detection and mapping

Linux Dash Shell

  • Implemented multiple dash functions, including piping and program execution
  • Developed a system of interprocess communication by creating and connecting multiple processes

Search Engine

  • Collaborated with group members to create a scalable, real-world indexer for any sized corpus
  • Search and retrieval component had features such as weighted ranking, caching, and easy-to-use GUI
  • Iteratively optimized code to return quality results in under 300ms for a majority of queries

Othello AI

  • Developed a robust AI that effectively plays the game of OthellO
  • Implemented a sophisticated recursion algorithm to efficiently traverse complex tree-based structures, allowing the AI to analyze all possible moves and make optimal decisions

Maze Generator and Solver

  • Implemented a recursive depth-first algorithm to generate complex two-dimensional mazes and identify the most efficient path through the maze
  • Integrated an intuitive GUI, allowing users to observe the generation and solution finding processes in real time